Author Archives: Madhusudan Raj

A New Self Reliant India

Self Reliant India

Amidst the ongoing Covid-19 lock down in India, yesterday the prime minister announced continuation of the lock down in its fourth phase in little less restricted mode. More importantly, he also announced an economic stimulus package worth 20 trillion rupees i.e., some 10% of India’s GDP. This package will also include already announced measures as […]

A New Social Contract

Social Contract

The original social contract  which was prepared by political philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and, especially, Jean Jacques Rousseau has expired. 300 years history of the world has proved that that contract hasn’t worked. It has failed. That contract was designed to bring the institution of Leviathan i.e., the State into existence so that […]

Heads the Government Wins, Tails We the People Lose!

Covid-19 Lock Down

After 17 days of lock down in India, the official figures for total infections and deaths due to Coronavirus are 6,600 and 228 people respectively. At the beginning of this lock down the same numbers were 614 and 9 people respectively. Despite the lock down, infection cases in India have gone up 10  times and […]

Coronavirus and the State

Coronavirus in India

Covid-19 Pandemic The world is in an unprecedented lock down over a threat of a flu virus’s new strain called SARS-Cov-2 that causes a respiratory disease called Covid-19. All the data so far coming suggest that the only group most vulnerable to this disease are very old people with underlying health issues like diabetes, heart […]

The Danger of Coronavirus Central Planning

India Lockdown

The Covid-19 Pandemic has sent the Indian government in a tizzy. Modi government has panicked like anything and without any kind of prior very careful thinking or planning Modi has announced a 21 day lock down of the whole country of 1.35 billion people. Almost all production processes in the country have either totally shutdown […]