Author Archives: Madhusudan Raj

Can Monetary Easing Increase India’s Economic Growth?

The second volume of government’s Economic Survey recently flagged a great risk of faltering economic growth in India, and demanded a loose monetary policy stance from the RBI in the form of further easing of the interest rate to combat this downside risk. The report said, Forecasting “greater downside risks” to economic growth, the Survey, […]

Capitalism Free India

On a recently concluded  residential course for men and women volunteers of Hindu Swaysmsevak Sangh (HSS) at Nagpur the RSS chief Mr. Mohan Bhagwat said, only India could rescue the world from the clutches of capitalism. “The whole world is in the clutches of capitalism. Only India can rescue the world from this calamity.” Is […]

The Myth of Political Opposition

We are witnessing an age old fact about the State playing out in front of our eyes in India today. This fact is that of, as Murray Rothbard said, the state as an apparatus of parasitism which uses, as Franz Oppenheimer said, political means for its survival. The state is an institute which represent political […]

Indian Nation State is Shooting in its Own Foot

In the zeal of controlling everything that either walks or doesn’t walk, the present Narendra Modi government of India is shooting in its own foot. It is giving one shock after another to the society and economy in the form of mob lynching of innocent people in the name of “cow protection”, beef and myriad […]

Making Profit in India is a Crime

The Modi government of India has made it legal (sic) that any business in India cannot make profit! If they make profit then they go to jail. The recently implemented new tax regime GST (goods and service tax) has a new amended clause in it, clause 171, which debars producers from making profit; any profit […]