A Podcast with Mises India President Dr. Madhusudan Raj


Mises India Institute President Dr. Madhusudan Raj was on Vivek Sen Podcast recently. In this episode he discussed Austrian economics, History of Democracy and where we are today, Free Market Capitalism and Anarcho Capitalists Society, Money, Current Monetary System, and Bitcoin etc. subjects.  

Covid-19 Pandemic and the Indian and World Economy & Society

Covid-19 and Economy

Recently Mises India Institute President Dr. Madhusudan Raj was interviewed by Mr. Ibrahim Susiwala – a Senior Partner, Enwisen Consulting LLP – to discuss myriad of issues like the condition of the Indian and the world economy today, how businesses will survive amidst the Covid-19 chaos, Indian stock market and many other such economic, political […]

A New Social Contract

Social Contract

The original social contract  which was prepared by political philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and, especially, Jean Jacques Rousseau has expired. 300 years history of the world has proved that that contract hasn’t worked. It has failed. That contract was designed to bring the institution of Leviathan i.e., the State into existence so that […]

Coronavirus and the Emerging Police State in India (Mises Interviews, Episode 3, Mr. Jayant Bhandari )

Coronavirus and the Emerging Police State in India In our third episode we again sit down with Mr. Jayant Bhandari to discuss the on-going Coronavirus Pandemic related lock down that Indian PM Narendra Modi imposed on India on 25th March. Mr. Bhandari discusses and warns Indians about the emerging ‘police state’ in India under the […]

Heads the Government Wins, Tails We the People Lose!

Covid-19 Lock Down

After 17 days of lock down in India, the official figures for total infections and deaths due to Coronavirus are 6,600 and 228 people respectively. At the beginning of this lock down the same numbers were 614 and 9 people respectively. Despite the lock down, infection cases in India have gone up 10  times and […]