Book Review – Wealth, Poverty and Politics

Book Review: Sowell, Thomas. 2016. Wealth, Poverty and Politics. 2 edition. New York: Basic Books. Thomas Sowell is a world renown African American economist. He is a fellow of the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, USA. He is known for his straight forward logical and undaunted views. Looking at the corpus of his vast amount of […]

Mises Interviews, Episode 2, Mr. Jayant Bhandari

In our second episode we sit down with Mr. Jayant Bhandari to discuss Indian economy, society and culture. Mr. Bhandari throws light on the underlying cultural factors that are necessary prerequisite for the progress of India. He also analyzes the economic policies of Modi and all other past governments while discussing the future of the […]

Is Corporate Tax Cut a Win-Win for Indians?

As we all know, the Indian economy is going through one of the worst economic recessions it has ever witnessed in modern history. Starting from auto and realty sector, manufacturing, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), agriculture and even underwear industry are facing big sale drops and inventory pile ups. All these symptoms are of a […]

Modi Pushes for Population Control

Population control is back on the agenda of the present Indian government of Narendra Modi. In his 15th August Indian Independence Day speech prime minister Modi put his government’s focus back on population issue, and he went as far as to say that, But there is a vigilant section of the public which stops to […]

CEA Blaming Businesses and Market Economy for Slowdown is Hypocritical

The Indian, and world economy, is entering in one of the worst phases of modern day recession right now. The warning signs of rapidly slowing Indian economy are everywhere. Auto companies are firing workers at a rapid pace and halting production. Even age old manufacturing company like Parle, which makes famous Parle-G biscuits, is firing […]