Tag Archives: India

The Danger of Coronavirus Central Planning

India Lockdown

The Covid-19 Pandemic has sent the Indian government in a tizzy. Modi government has panicked like anything and without any kind of prior very careful thinking or planning Modi has announced a 21 day lock down of the whole country of 1.35 billion people. Almost all production processes in the country have either totally shutdown […]

How RBI caused the Yes Bank and PMC Bank Collapse

Banking crisis

Recently Mises India Institute President Dr. Madhusudan Raj was interviewed by Mr. Yohan Tengra of Anarchy for Freedom about the on-going banking crisis in India. After the collapse of PMC bank few months ago, recently another big bank Yes Bank has also collapsed. Depositors have lost their everything; some have lost their lives also. Who […]

India Descending into Dark Abyss

Society and Polity India is descending into a dark abyss. It is becoming a lawless and barbaric nation state. The evidence of this is everywhere e.g., recently in Hyderabad four boys allegedly raped a veterinarian doctor and burned and killed her. Such rape cases have become a daily occurrence in India and public anger was […]

Book Review – Wealth, Poverty and Politics

Book Review: Sowell, Thomas. 2016. Wealth, Poverty and Politics. 2 edition. New York: Basic Books. Thomas Sowell is a world renown African American economist. He is a fellow of the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, USA. He is known for his straight forward logical and undaunted views. Looking at the corpus of his vast amount of […]