Finally, after seven years, the four convicted rapist of famous Delhi gang rape case were hanged till death today morning in Tihar Jail. Mother of Nirbhaya, the girl who was raped and murdered, was recorded saying, now the justice is done and after this hanging all girls in India will feel safer. Her father said, […]
Author Archives: Madhusudan Raj
Recently the American president Donald Trump was on his maiden visit to the Indian nation state. During his visit to New Delhi, India’s capital, the city witnessed big communal violence in which, so far, around 53 people have lost their lives. Hindu nationalist goons clashed with the Muslim mob. In these clashes, one police constable […]
With falling direct and indirect tax revenues (sic), the Modi government is desperate to raise more money to spend on their fiscal programs to allegedly bring the economy out of the slump which they think is caused by a fall in aggregate demand. Experts and even BJP MPs like Subramanian Swamy are calling this tax terrorism. I am going to analyze two […]
With the slowing GDP, the rising prices – the retail inflation rose to its highest since Modi came to power in 2014 of level of 7.35% in December – of various goods like onion, garlic, milk etc., is raising a specter of stagflation in India. Modi government is pushing RBI, which it owns, to lower […]
The Indian political scene, just like any other country’s political scene, is full of leaders who are good at the art of leadership of humbuggery and manipulation. Today many people in India are worrying about Narendra Modi government, just like any other past governments, as it also did not fulfill its election campaign promises. Narendra Modi […]