Is the Entry of Corporate Houses in Banking Sector a Real Worry?


Former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan and deputy governor Viral Acharya have jointly penned an article where they have criticized Narendra Modi government’s move of allowing big corporate houses to enter in the Indian banking sector. They said, Allowing Indian corporate houses into banking will lead to the concentration of economic and political power in these […]

Cost and Benefit of Investing in Government Bonds

In today’s highly volatile world, managing one’s financial resources to remain financially and economically secure is a top priority. We are in uncertain times like never before as no one knows what the next year or month or day will bring in front of us. Who would’ve thought that year 2020 will be a roller […]

Is Cashless Economy a Good Idea?

Cashless economy

Since long world government institutions like the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the central bankers are pushing for an idea of a cashless economy (Agarwal et al., 2015). Harvard university Keynesian school economist like Kenneth Rogoff wrote a book on the subject The Curse of Cash! India’s popular prime minister Narendra Modi went as far […]

Modi’s Swamitva Yojana (Rural Property Card Scheme)

The next batch of reform accompanying recent farm bills by the Modi government has arrived in the form of Swamitva Yojana  for the rural people. Why did I say ‘reform accompanying recent farm bills’? Because combined with those bills and looking at the intentions of this scheme, it looks like the Modi government is readying […]

Dissecting Modi’s Farm Bills

Farm bills

India’s BJP government recently introduced two farm bills that has generated lot of controversy of late: 1) The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance, 2020 and 2) The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Ordinance, 2020. Opposition parties are alleging that Modi is selling out Indian farmers […]