Can (Indian) Government Force Citizens to Vaccinate against Covid-19?

Covid 19 Vaccine

We are entering the last months of the tumultuous year of 2020 and the Covid-19 Pandemic is still with us. As I am writing, the total number of worldwide cases have crossed 15 million mark which actually is nothing, 0.19% of total 7.8 billion world population, when we consider all the hype created around this […]

How Would a Libertarian Anarchist Society Deal with Pandemic like Covid-19?

Covid-19 Lock Down

Covid-19 related lock down is still in place in India in many states. Even after imposing this draconian lock down, the number of cases in India are rising by tens of thousands daily and India is soon going to be on number one spot about Coronavirus positive cases. This should raise an important question in […]

On Homeschooling and Unschooling


The great American journalist, essayist, satirist and cultural critic H L Mencken used to say, The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in […]

A Praxeological Analysis of India-China Nation State Border Tension

India China Border Tension

Praxeology is a science of human action where we logically spin out all the laws of human action starting from an a priori axiom of human action which is apodictic in nature i.e., necessarily true. In this article I am going to use praxeology to understand and then deduce some of the possible outcomes of […]

Should India Become Atmanirbhar (Self Reliant)?

Covid-19 pandemic lock down has devastated the Indian economy. People were expecting the present BJP government to come out and announce some policy that will help the economy come out of this greater depression. Indian prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi few days back announced his new policy of making India a self reliant (Atmanirbhar) country. […]