What’s Wrong with India and Its Economy?

Indian Economy

Recently Mises India President Dr. Madhusudan Raj sat down with Mr. Yohan Tengra of Anarchy for Freedom to discuss India and its economy and to give insights on the root cause of what has created the many and various economic and social problems in India. He discussed subjects such as: Is Arvind Kejriwal our potential savior? Why […]

Arvind Kejriwal: Another Delusion in the Making


The Indian political scene, just like any other country’s political scene, is full of leaders who are good at the art of leadership of humbuggery and manipulation. Today many people in India are worrying about Narendra Modi government, just like any other past governments, as it also did not fulfill its election campaign promises. Narendra Modi […]

RBI is Trying to Do Something Impossible


Amidst the on-going severe recession in the Indian economy, the Indian central bank RBI is trying to do something impossible. Driven by its Keynesian logic of lack of aggregate demand as the root cause of the recession, RBI is trying to boost both consumption and investment at the same time. In its recently published bi-annual […]

India Descending into Dark Abyss

Society and Polity India is descending into a dark abyss. It is becoming a lawless and barbaric nation state. The evidence of this is everywhere e.g., recently in Hyderabad four boys allegedly raped a veterinarian doctor and burned and killed her. Such rape cases have become a daily occurrence in India and public anger was […]

Making Sense of JNU Fee Hike

Delhi and with it India is again rocked by protests by JNU, Jawaharlal Nehru University, students who are opposing a so-called steep hike in their hostel fees. As reported by newspapers, Under the new hostel charges, students have to pay a service charge of Rs 1,700 per month. This charge did not exist earlier. Rent […]