Tag Archives: Socialism

On Kerala vs. New Delhi

Ministry of External Affairs

Recently the state of Kerala has appointed its minister of external affairs (secretary in charge of matters concerning “external cooperation”, similar to the Secretary of State position in America. This would be like Texas appointing its own, instead of only the Federal government doing it from D.C.). This move has irked the union government in […]

Will Working 70 Hours a Week Make India Great?

Speaking in a recent interview the founder of IT company Infosys Mr. Narayan Murthy said, “My request is that our youngsters must say ‘This is my country I want to work 70 hours a week’,” he said, adding “this is exactly what Germans and Japanese did after the Second World War.” “I hope our corporate […]

Indian Constitution and Elections

The state assembly elections of Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, and some of the by-poll elections are over in India and the results are out. In 2023 more state assembly elections in states like Madhya Pradesh etc., are going to be conducted. Not a year passes by in India when some or the other election is not […]

The Manufactured Unemployment Crisis of India

Before the mindless covid lockdown was imposed by the Modi government in March 2020 the unemployment rate in India was already at a 45 year high. Post lockdown the unemployment rate has sky rocketed and last April it was 7.83%. The latest CMIE report presents a very grim scenario of the Indian labor market. It […]

Economics of Pollution

In the list of the world’s top polluted cities majority are from India. India’s capital New Delhi is again in the grips of very hazardous pollution. Delhi government has shutdown schools, I have no idea how shutting down schools will stop or lessen pollution or keep children healthy but that is a question for some […]