Should We Not Worry About the Falling Rupee?

The turmoil in the Forex market continues and with it the collapse of Indian currency rupee. The Indian currency rupee breached the level of 70 against US dollar for the first time in its entire history. And this fall isn’t finished yet. The chances of it falling further are high. In the aftermath of this […]

Breaking the Backbone of India

The Informal sector is what keeps India moving. That part of the market keeps on working and so you get your daily milk, vegetables and newspapers delivered to your doorsteps.  According to ILO, close to 81% of the Indian jobs are in this informal sector. Informal sector is the backbone India’s economy. Since coming to […]

Hindus and their Holy Cow

After the sweeping election win of Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist BJP party four years ago, there is a barrage of misleading propaganda coming from Modi and his government about the so-called glorious past of India and the sacred Hindu culture. Hindu fundamentalist forces (sic), under the tutelage of Modi and his government, are […]

Movie Review: Madaari

The writer of Madaari is Shailja Kejriwal, and screenplay and dialogues are by Ritesh Shah. The movie stars Irrfan Khan as Nirmal Kumar – A lead character, Jimmy Sheirgill as Nachiket Verma – A Cop (CBI), Vishesh Bansal as Rohan Goswami – Son of Home Minister and Tushar Dalvi as Prashant Goswami – the Home […]

The Reason why Rupee is falling against Dollar

The Indian rupee is known to be the worst performing currency in the South Asia region. Continuing its worst performance it fell to its all time historic low level of 69 rupees against 1 US dollar few days back and again today. Why is rupee falling against dollar? The fundamental reason is its demand and […]