Is Privacy a Human Right?

Yesterday a 9 judge bench of the Supreme Court of India gave a so-called historic decision of declaring privacy a fundamental human right now enshrined in the article 21 of the Indian constitution. Many are saying that this for the first time that some verdict is given unanimously by the bench 9 judges. This verdict […]

Is Artificial Intelligence Threatening India Inc. Jobs?

A recent news report said that in India The IT services industry alone is set to lose 6.4 lakh low-skilled positions to automation by 2021. Is this true? Let us scrutinize. What is Artificial Intelligence? As Jerry Kaplan, the author of Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know, has said, there is no one all […]

Can Monetary Easing Increase India’s Economic Growth?

The second volume of government’s Economic Survey recently flagged a great risk of faltering economic growth in India, and demanded a loose monetary policy stance from the RBI in the form of further easing of the interest rate to combat this downside risk. The report said, Forecasting “greater downside risks” to economic growth, the Survey, […]

Capitalism Free India

On a recently concluded  residential course for men and women volunteers of Hindu Swaysmsevak Sangh (HSS) at Nagpur the RSS chief Mr. Mohan Bhagwat said, only India could rescue the world from the clutches of capitalism. “The whole world is in the clutches of capitalism. Only India can rescue the world from this calamity.” Is […]

Money and Banking workshop

Money and Banking workshop

Hello folks, It’s rather too late to inform about the upcoming important event for us. We have book reading and activity club named Rothbard Circle where we read books, interact and exchange ideas for an intelligent outlook towards problems that infect our lives. We strive to bring the awareness among everyone for betterment sake. Hence […]