Tag Archives: Anarchy

How a Private Law Society will Solve Our Problems?


Recently I was interviewed by Mr. Yohan Tengra of Anarchy for Freedom  about how an Anarcho-Capitalist Private Law society will solve our myriad of problems like pollution, national defense, protection of property, inflation, unemployment etc. Statist people frequently argue that without the state (aka government) there will be Anarchy, which they allege to be a state of chaos. But in […]

Against the Grain and the State

James C. Scott has rewritten the history of the “civilization” in his recent book Against the Grain. He turns the mainstream narrative of civilization on its head with the help of evidences coming from various fields of sciences. In doing so, he rewrites the history of man himself. In rewriting  the mainstream narrative, Scott has […]

Government’s Right to Coerce and Our Duty to Obey

Do the state (aka the government) has any right to coerce us and we have any duty to obey it? This is the question that philosopher Dr. Michael Huemer addresses in his important work, The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey. The answer at which […]

Societies without the State

No State

Can we humans organize our societies without the help of the State aka government? is the question people ask me whenever I talk about free markets or a free society without a presence of the State. Few go as far as saying that without the State life itself will become impossible! Some of the questions […]