Tag Archives: India

Is Dollar Responsible for Rupee’s Weakness?

The amazing Indian finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman is trying very hard to somehow defend the abysmal economic performance of her government. As I have mentioned in my past writings, the Indian rupee will continue to slide because of the crazy money printing sprees by the Indian central bank RBI, and RBI is forced to print […]

The Myth of Mother India

We are being told since childhood that for the sake of mother India – Bharat Mata – we need to sacrifice our lives, we need to regularly and honestly give our money to mother India in the form of taxes, we need to diligently without fail follow all the rules, constitution and other legislative acts, […]

Nationalism is Death

Nationalism is rising in India under the relentless propaganda from the Indian government and its leaders. Such nationalism for India is nothing new. The Congress party under the leadership of Nehru used nationalism against the British colonial rule to win power for themselves. All the policies like import substitution or inward looking of the Nehruvian […]

Same Old Socialism

Prime minister Narendra Modi’s economic advisory panel has published a report called The State of Inequality in India. This report is prepared by the Institute for Competitiveness. This ironically named institute from Gurgaon has noticed the skewed income distribution of India and suggested the following government’s size enhancing measures,  the Government should launch a guaranteed […]

Does Inflation Have a Good Side?

Some old fallacies never die no matter how hard we try to expose them. The fallacious notion of the virtues of inflation among some of the mainstream economists and media pundits is one such fallacy. Such fallacies are the result of a total misunderstanding of how an economy works. Mainstream economists and pundits, who rely […]