Indian farmers from the state of Punjab, Haryana etc., are up in the arms against the Narendra Modi government for their recently passed Farm Acts. This has generated a lot of discussion in India. Mises India Institute President Dr. Madhusudan Raj sat down with Mr. Yohan Tengra of Anarchy for Freedom India to discuss these […]
Tag Archives: India
The Indian finance minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman while addressing the annual general meeting of the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) said that, While in early 2020 green shoots and revival signs of the economy were visible, it was upset with the pandemic setting in. the government has taken several of measures to support the economy […]
In today’s highly volatile world, managing one’s financial resources to remain financially and economically secure is a top priority. We are in uncertain times like never before as no one knows what the next year or month or day will bring in front of us. Who would’ve thought that year 2020 will be a roller […]
For the last several decades, the Indian government has announced one mining policy after another. After each change, ministry officials go around international conferences boasting about how India is opening up. The devil is always in the details. And the details are never thought out. Policies are utopian, unrealistic, distant from ground realities, and based […]
We are entering the last months of the tumultuous year of 2020 and the Covid-19 Pandemic is still with us. As I am writing, the total number of worldwide cases have crossed 15 million mark which actually is nothing, 0.19% of total 7.8 billion world population, when we consider all the hype created around this […]