Elon Musk vs the Indian Government

Some recent headlines re the entry of Elon Musk’s electric car company Tesla in India read something like the following,  American car manufacturer, Tesla, is in serious negotiations with the Indian government over its entry into India. India is a very large market and all levels of purchases (high-end, mid-range and entry-level) are significant. However, […]

The Myth of the Fastest Growing Economy

While addressing a post-Budget interaction with industry body FICCI, the Finance Minister Sitharaman said,  India’s economic recovery is going to place it as the fastest growing economy amongst others. It’s time now for us as Team India to rise. We are at such a juncture where the revival of the economy is very clear…this recovery […]

Austrian Economics and Anarcho-Capitalism In India

Mises India President Dr. Madhusudan Raj recently was interviewed by Mr. Pratham of The Labyrinth. He discussed anarcho-capitalism and libertarianism in India, Indian politics and culture, decentralization of central government, cryptocurrencies, covid lockdowns and mandates, Inflation, demonetisation, GST, farm laws and more. Watch his interview below.  

Modi is a Second Nehru

Modi Nehru

As I have pointed out in the past, the present government of Narendra Modi in New Delhi is nothing more than a shadow of the past Nehru government as far as it comes to the matter of economic policy. Let me point out the similarities between both governments.  Nehruvian economic policies  Planned economic development Modern […]

Economics of Pollution

In the list of the world’s top polluted cities majority are from India. India’s capital New Delhi is again in the grips of very hazardous pollution. Delhi government has shutdown schools, I have no idea how shutting down schools will stop or lessen pollution or keep children healthy but that is a question for some […]