Tag Archives: RBI

How the Political Class Robs Us?

The German sociologist Franz Oppenheimer in his discussion of the political institution of the State divided the society in two classes. In his own words,  There are two fundamentally opposed means whereby man, requiring sustenance, is impelled to obtain the necessary means for satisfying his desires. These are work and robbery, one’s own labor and […]

What can Likely Happen after the RBI is Gone?


Many people ask me about what possibly can happen if Indian central bank RBI is abolished or it collapses under its own weight? The following write-up is a brief reply to such important questions. We in the Liberty camp, who talk about doing away with the statist central planning institutions like the central bank, have […]

Is the Indian Economy in Recession because of Covid-19 Pandemic?

The Indian finance minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman while addressing the annual general meeting of the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) said that, While in early 2020 green shoots and revival signs of the economy were visible, it was upset with the pandemic setting in. the government has taken several of measures to support the economy […]

Is the Entry of Corporate Houses in Banking Sector a Real Worry?


Former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan and deputy governor Viral Acharya have jointly penned an article where they have criticized Narendra Modi government’s move of allowing big corporate houses to enter in the Indian banking sector. They said, Allowing Indian corporate houses into banking will lead to the concentration of economic and political power in these […]

Cost and Benefit of Investing in Government Bonds

In today’s highly volatile world, managing one’s financial resources to remain financially and economically secure is a top priority. We are in uncertain times like never before as no one knows what the next year or month or day will bring in front of us. Who would’ve thought that year 2020 will be a roller […]